This week the new iPhone 5 will be released for sale from Apple. The extraordinary iPhone 5 is taller, skinnier and faster. Just like the million dollar man. The phone is a lot cheaper than he was though. The new phone went on sale today September 21, 2012. Are you waiting for your phone to arrive or maybe you are one of the few waiting in the really long lines. Why not create your custom iPhone 5 case on Zazzle while you wait! Starting today, we’re offering custom iPhone cases for the iPhone 5 thanks to our partnership with Case-Mate and want you to get your perfect case now so you’ll be the cool kid in the Apple Store line. Check out some of the new cases already created in the marketplace by Zazzle Sellers.
Be sure to pick up your new iPhone 5 case today before everyone else gets one. Brag to your friends about how your phone is better than theirs because it has a Dr. Who case or a Narwhal case. There are many more to choose from the Zazzle website. These are just a few of their great offerings.